Monday 12 March 2012

Arab Apologize For The Sins Of islam

Arab Apologize For The Sins Of islam

All Arabian people said :
Our prophets are NOT your president.
All islamic rules and its histories are NOT perfect always have its wrongs.
The islam have been survived by the real truth from outside islam.

People in Different Geological conditions & languages create so many names of God to survive.
That is why the islamic ego is wrong at all that is the monotheism’s egoistic wrongs.

Find the real truth outside the books.
Heaven is in your heart.
Because inside you there are the house for all truth.
All islamic people apologize to all human being for all muslim violence.
And we all arab have to make responsible for the sins of islam.
It is true that islam is just the past prophets imagination to sustain lives on this world.

We all islamic people are a shame for the islamic ego and our selves to be punished by our death.

All Arab

Bangsa Arab : mohon maaf memang benar islam adalah sampah budaya arab kami.
Begitu banyak nama Pencipta karena perbedaan bahasa manusia sesuai kondisi alamnya.
Karena itu ego islam kami sangat dangkal penuh pemaksaan telah membuat berbagai konflik.
Kebenaran tak hanya milik islam tapi juga milik bangsa lain diluar islam yang hanya seluas kertas.

Nabi Muhamad kami telah mati beserta tanggungjawabnya untuk merubah ajaran primitif islam yang sudah tidak relevan lagi dan kini menjadi tanggungjawab semua pengikut islamnya.

Agama juga Tidak dapat merubah kebutuhan dasar manusia sebagai takdir kelemahannya.
Hingga sekarang kami bangsa arab telah menggunakan kebenaran teknologi bangsa lain seperti listrik lampu TV bahkan senjata hasil teknologi bangsa terbaik dimuka bumi untuk bertahan hidup dari ganasnya alam padang gurun kami.

Ajaran islam sudah tidak relevan lagi hanya hasil visualisasi imajinasi manusia dalam bentuk tulisan dari masa lalu kami untuk bertahan hidup menghadapi kematian dengan cara berdoa.

Kami bangsa arab Sangat Menyesal dan Meminta Maaf Kepada Seluruh Umat Manusia atas kekerasan ego dan kekhilafan kami serta Bersedia Bertanggungjawab Atas Semua Dosa-Dosa islam dalam bentuk hukuman HARAM islam dan hukuman mati.

Kami bangsa arab Sangat Malu atas semua Dosa-Dosa kekerasan islam.

Bangsa Arab

Without islam

To all evil muslim :
Use your 'allah' to sustain lives on earth if you can.
That is about economics separated without religions.

The prophets are NOT your president.
That is about politics separated without religions.

Everyone can make Anti-islam to destroy islam to punish muslim's ego.
That is about human law separated without religions. 

The dead arabian prophets must be responsible about the primitive static islam that become muslim's responsibilities now for all the islamic-ego violence the Sins of islam by the rebellious dead prophets.

If the arabic prophets are alive now then the primitive prophets will learn about TV Computer Internet Flying Rockets and money to sustain lives on this old earth.

It is a shame for the dichotomy shows muslim to save face about their stubborn past wrongs the irrelevant unreal primitive islam the past evil culture garbage to be destroyed.